We all collect things, sometimes subconsciously. The thought of ‘owning’ things makes us feel safe, content and fulfilled. It relieves us from anxiety and stress. But think about the ever-growing video game library backlogs you hoped to enjoy one day or the books you never read. Did they make you more knowledgeable, give you joy, or are they just a burden slowing you down?

I have highlighted thousands of lines on my Kindle over the years. I always wanted to read fast and read more. The idea of highlighting now and revisiting later seemed a perfect way to avoid interrupting my flow. The reality is that I barely remember or review any of the highlights after I close the book. I only saw the text, collected sentences I believe to be insightful, and nothing more. I haven’t learned anything.

Extend your knowledge by taking notes in your own words. Extend your knowledge by taking notes in your own words. Don’t copy the text word by word from books. Improve your software by adding more features to enhance the overall experience, Don’t just develop a new one - it won’t be magically better than the current one. Instead, play one game to its fullest potential to truly experience the story and be moved.
